• Psychological Processes in International Negotiations - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives
    Promoting Self-Change From Addictive Behaviors - Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention, and Treatment
    Developing Prosocial Communities Across Cultures
    Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Conduct Disorder at School
    The Bilingual Mind - Thinking, Feeling and Speaking in Two Languages
    Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Autism at School
  • Emotion Regulation - Conceptual and Clinical Issues
    First Responder's Guide to Abnormal Psychology - Applications for Police, Firefighters and Rescue Personnel
    Practitioner's Guide to Emotion Regulation in School-Aged Children
    Forensic Ethics and the Expert Witness
    Treating Trichotillomania - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Hairpulling and Related Problems
    Handbook of Psychodiagnostic Testing - Analysis of Personality in the Psychological Report

Mehr zum Inhalt

Wissensmanagement in modernen Organisationen - Wissensmanagement als Instrument der Strukturierung von Rahmenbedingungen für die Formalisierung von kontinuierlichen und systematischen Lernprozessen in Arbeitsorganisationen




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