• Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management
    FinFETs and Other Multi-Gate Transistors
    Maintenance of Process Instrumentation in Nuclear Power Plants
    Next Generation Design and Verification Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems - Proceedings of the GM R&D Workshop, Bangalore, India, January 2007
    Nonlinear and Adaptive Control with Applications
    Optimal Control of Wind Energy Systems - Towards a Global Approach
  • Modern Circuit Placement - Best Practices and Results
    Distributed Consensus in Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control - Theory and Applications
    Design for Manufacturability and Statistical Design - A Constructive Approach
    Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth™, Zigbee™ and WiMax™
    Hardware Verification with System Verilog - An Object-Oriented Framework
    Networked Sensing Information and Control

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Wie lösen mathematisch begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler Testaufgaben aus internationalen Vergleichsstudien - Begabte Sechst-, Siebt- und Achtklässler lösen Aufgaben aus dem nordhessischen Modellversuch von Werner Blum und Bernd Wiegand sowie aus eine




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